Welcome to FBS – Priority Software.
This system supports reservation, tracking, billing and payment for services and goods supplied by core labs and research recharge centers. Registering and setting-up your core facility onto FBS is a two-step process.
Step 1: Establish a recharge account (56x) with the Office of Financial Analysis.
The recharge center (RC) account number is issued by the USC Financial and Business Services, Office of Financial Analysis.
Detailed information on RCs can be found here.
To apply for a RC account number, submit a Recharge Center Request Form to ofa@usc.edu.
As part of the application process, the Office of Financial Analysis provides guidance and training to core facilities on all financial matters pertaining to running the core, including federal compliance, charges and allowable rate increases, reporting requirements, among others.
Step 2: Registration and set-up with FBS Priority Software.
Once recharge account has been established:
Fill out the Priority Software FBS Setup form from the Office of Research: https://forms.gle/cBKPJGPP2KHuCFuk7 and click “next” to provide your core’s information.
Contact Melody Pham from the Research Initiatives and Infrastructure (RII) to schedule your core set-up and FBS training session: usccores@usc.edu
Please contact ofa@usc.edu for questions related to RC accounts. Questions may also be address to: (213) 821-1937. Please contact usccores@usc.edu for questions related to FBS Priority software.