Instruments at the Chemistry Instrumentation Facility are maintained and supervised by technical personnel as departmental facilities.
Equipment and services include: Bruker Vertex 80 FTIR spectrometer with vacuum capability; Cary 14 UV-Visible spectrometer; Bruker EPR spectrometer; Jasco temperature-controlled digital polarimeter; Applied Biosystems MALDI mass spectrometer; Bruker APEX diffractometer with a CCD area detector for single-crystal applications; Rigaku Ultima IV powder/thin film diffractometer; Horiba XploRA Raman Microscope System with low temperature cell attachment and a Horiba NanoLog Spectrofluorometer System with both visible and near-IR detectors; as well as a wide variety of specialized laser spectroscopy equipment, surface analysis instruments, mass-selective gas chromatography, mass-selective HPLC, and scanning probe microscopes.
University Park Campus
USC Department of Chemistry
3620 McClintock Avenue, SGM 418
Los Angeles, CA 90033