Alliance Development Grant (ADG) and Alliance Proposals (Bridge to the Baccalaureate (B2B, STEM Pathways Implementation-Only (SPIO) and STEM Pathways Research Alliance (SPRA)
Only one ADG, B2B, SPIO, or SPRA proposal may be submitted by an eligible (lead) institution (IHE). Alliances (B2B, SPIO, SPRA) may hold only one active alliance award at a time. Institutions partnering in an alliance may not be a formal partner in more than one alliance at the same time. Formal partners are IHEs participating in an alliance that report enrollment and degree data to NSF. See Section VII on grantee reporting requirements.
Bridges to STEM Graduate Degrees in National Priorities (BD-Master’s) Proposals
Up to two BD-Master’s proposals may be submitted from an alliance. New proposals for additional cohorts from existing awardees may be submitted only after the current awards have expired. The final annual report must be submitted prior to the submission of a new proposal.
Bridges to STEM Graduate Degrees in National Priorities (BD-Doctoral) Proposals
Up to two BD-Doctoral proposals may be submitted from an alliance. New proposals for additional cohorts from existing awardees may be submitted once the current awards have expired. The final annual report must be submitted prior to the submission of a new proposal.
An “alliance” may submit proposals to Bridges to STEM Graduate Degrees in National Priorities annual competitions. The following conditions apply:
- one proposal from each category (one BD-Master’s and one BD-Doctoral)
- two BD-Master’s or two BD-Doctoral proposals in a competition.
Only one proposal from an “alliance institution” is eligible for consideration per competition within stipulations provided for BD-Master’s and BD-Doctoral above.
Internal Deadline: TBA
LOI: Not required.
External Deadline: June 24, 2024: BD-Master’s and NETWORKS Proposals ONLY
November 21, 2025: BD-Master’s and BD-Doctoral Proposals and All Alliance Proposals: ADG, B2B, SPIO and SPRA
Recurring Deadlines: Third Friday in November, Annually Thereafter: BD-Master’s and BD-Doctoral Proposals and All Alliance Proposals: ADG, B2B, SPIO and SPRA
Award Information
Project Type: Alliance Development Grant (ADG) Projects
Maximum Budget: $125,000
Duration: 18 months
Number of Awards Anticipated per Fiscal Year: Up to 10 Awards
Award Instrument: Standard Grant
Project Type: Bridge-to-the-Baccalaureate (B2B) Projects
Maximum Budget: Up to $2,000,000
Duration: 60 months
Number of Awards Anticipated per Fiscal Year: Up to 5 Awards
Award Instrument: Continuing Grant
Project Type: STEM Pathways Implementation-Only Projects
Maximum Budget: up to $5,000,000
Duration: 60 months
Number of Awards Anticipated per Fiscal Year: Up to 10 Awards
Award Instrument: Continuing Grant
Project Type: STEM Pathways Research Alliance Projects
Maximum Budget: $4,000,000
Duration: 60 months
Number of Awards Anticipated per Fiscal Year: Up to 6 Awards
Award Instrument: Continuing Grant
Project Type: Bridge to STEM Graduate Degrees in National Priorities (BD-Master’s) Projects
Maximum Budget: $597,000
Duration: Up to 36 months
Number of Awards Anticipated per Fiscal Year: Up to 8 Awards
Award Instrument: Standard Grant
Project Type: Bridge to STEM Graduate Degrees in National Priorities (BD-Doctoral) Projects
Maximum Budget: $1,173,000
Duration: Up to 36 months
Number of Awards Anticipated per Fiscal Year: Up to 8 Awards
Award Instrument: Standard Grant
Project Type: STEM Networking Incentive and Engagement (NETWORKS) Projects
Maximum Budget: Up to $600,000
Duration: 36 months
Number of Awards Anticipated: Up to 10 Awards
Award Instrument: Standard Grant
Estimated program budget, number of awards and average award size/duration are subject to the availability of funds.
Who May Serve as PI:
Alliance Development Grant (ADG) Proposals
The PI for ADG proposals must be an upper-level administrator/cabinet-level official from the executive leadership (i.e., Provost, Dean, VP of Academic Affairs, etc.) of the institution. A deviation from this requirement for PI designation requires a full justification. Faculty may be listed as Co-PIs.
Alliances: Bridge to the Baccalaureate (B2B), STEM Pathways Implementation-Only (SPIO) and STEM Pathways Research Alliance (SPRA)
The PI for alliances (B2B, SPIO, and SPRA) should be a cabinet-level official from the executive leadership (i.e., Provost, Dean, VP of Academic Affairs, etc.) of the institution and a member of the alliance governing board. The alliance governing board is a body of upper-level administrators from each partner institution that oversees the alliance. A deviation from this requirement for PI designation requires a full justification. Individuals from partner institutions must be designated as co-PIs on the proposal.
To ensure production of new STEM education research knowledge as a required element of the SPRA project, one or more of the Co-PIs on an SPRA proposal must be a social or data scientist, disciplinary/interdisciplinary education researcher, or evaluator.
Bridges to STEM Graduate Degrees in National Priorities (BD-Master’s and BD-Doctoral) Proposals
The PI for the BD-Master’s and/or BD-Doctoral proposal should be a cabinet-level official from the executive leadership of the institution and a member of the alliance governing board. The alliance governing board is a body of upper-level administrators from each partner institution that oversees the alliance. Co-PIs may be members of the institution’s graduate leadership team or STEM faculty. A deviation from this requirement for PI designation requires a full justification. One Co-PI must be the alliance director if the selected BD-Master’s or BD-Doctoral site is different from the lead institution. See section V for more information on the requirement to established a Governing Board.
STEM Networking Incentive and Engagement Proposals (NETWORKS)
The PI and Co-PIs for STEM Networking Incentive and Engagement proposals may be faculty members.
Link to Award:
Process for Limited Submissions
PIs must submit their application as a Limited Submission through the Research Initiatives and Infrastructure (RII) Application Portal: Use the template provided here: RII Limited Submission Applicant Template
Materials to submit include:
- (1) Two-Page Proposal Summary (1” margins; single-spaced; standard font type, e.g. Arial, Helvetica, Times New Roman, or Georgia typeface; font size: 11 pt). Page limit includes references and illustrations. Pages that exceed the 2-page limit will be excluded from review. You must use the template linked above.
- (2) CV – (5 pages maximum)
Note: The portal requires information about the PIs in addition to department and contact information, including the 10-digit USC ID#, Gender, and Ethnicity. Please have this material prepared before beginning this application.
The Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program invests in the Nation’s colleges and universities to aid student success to create a new generation of STEM discoverers for the national STEM enterprise. The program takes a comprehensive approach to the STEM Learning Ecosystem to impact STEM student development and retention.
LSAMP is an alliance-based program, whereby a group of institutions of higher education (IHEs) work together to diversify the nation’s science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce by increasing the number of STEM baccalaureate and graduate degrees awarded to persons from LSAMP populations. LSAMP populations are defined as persons from groups underrepresented in the STEM enterprise: Blacks and African-Americans, Hispanic and Latino Americans, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders. The LSAMP program provides funding to alliances that implement comprehensive, evidence-based, innovative, and sustained strategies that ultimately result in the graduation of well-prepared, highly competitive students from LSAMP populations who pursue graduate studies or careers in STEM, while also supporting knowledge generation, knowledge utilization, assessment of program impacts, dissemination activities and dissemination of scholarly research into the field.
Projects supported by the LSAMP program include:
- Alliance Development Grants (ADG) support the conceptualization and development of new B2B and new SPIO alliances. (New)
- Bridge-to-the-Baccalaureate (B2B) alliances facilitate the successful transfer of students from LSAMP populations to four-year institutions in pursuit of STEM baccalaureate degrees.
- STEM Pathways Implementation-Only (SPIO) alliances are designed for new and reconstituted alliances. These projects focus on building and strengthening strategies and approaches to assist Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) increase STEM baccalaureate degrees to LSAMP populations and facilitate entry into STEM graduate degree programs.
- STEM Pathways Research Alliances (SPRA) are designed for well-established alliances. These projects serve as models of excellence in STEM broadening participation by (1) steadily increasing STEM baccalaureate degrees to LSAMP populations and facilitating entry into STEM graduate degree programs; (2) producing and disseminating new scholarly research on the broadening participation of LSAMP populations (or underrepresented and under-served populations in STEM disciplines and the nation’s STEM workforce) and, (3) holistically assess the state of institutionalization and sustainability of the alliance.
- Bridge to STEM Graduate Degrees in National Priorities (BD-Master’s) projects support cohorts of six graduate students pursuing a M. S. degree in STEM national priority areas, providing financial support (stipends and cost of education) and support to help develop and maintain academic and research skills that enable participants to successfully persist in STEM graduate degree programs at Master’s comprehensive-degree producing institutions only. (New)
- Bridge to STEM Graduate Degrees in National Priorities (BD-Doctoral) projects support cohorts of twelve graduate students pursuing a Ph.D. degree in STEM national priority areas, providing financial support (stipends and cost of education) and support to help develop and maintain academic and research skills that enable participants to successfully persist in STEM doctoral degree programs.
- STEM Networking Incentives and Engagement (NETWORKS) projects provide support to incentivize the creation and participation of LSAMP populations in STEM networks. (New)
Visit our Institutionally Limited Submission webpage for more updates and other announcements.