Dimensions is a tool licensed by USC to find and compare research grants, patents, clinical trials, publications and other metrics by individual, specialty or university. Dimensions can be used to identify potential collaborators or experts.
Dimensions is a linked research data platform. Each of the data sources (publications, research funding, patents and clinical trials) can be searched simultaneously, and they are even linked together where relevant. You can see which paper came from which grant, for example. In some ways, it’s similar to other platforms you may have used such as Scopus or Web of Science, but with a much wider and more open scope. Dimensions is designed to help anyone involved in research to get better knowledge about what is going on in their research area and how this is changing over time.
Click here for basic information on Dimensions.
Click here for the Dimensions – Basics video.
Click here for the quick start guide.
Click here for the product guide.