Slots: 1
Internal Deadline: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025, 5pm PT
External Deadline: April 14, 2025, 11:59pm ET
Award Information
Award Type: Grant
Anticipated Award Amount: Applicants may request between $10,000 and $50,000 per project.
Eligibility: Per CLIR policy, the same Principal Investigator may not be nominated to lead two concurrent or overlapping CLIR projects within the same program.
Link to Award:
Process for Limited Submissions
PIs must submit their application as a Limited Submission through the Research Initiatives and Infrastructure (RII) Application Portal: Use the template provided here: RII Limited Submission Applicant Template
Materials to submit include:
- (1) Two-Page Proposal Summary (1” margins; single-spaced; standard font type, e.g. Arial, Helvetica, Times New Roman, or Georgia typeface; font size: 11 pt). Page limit includes references and illustrations. Pages that exceed the 2-page limit will be excluded from review. You must use the template linked above.
- (2) CV – (5 pages maximum)
Note: The portal requires information about the PIs in addition to department and contact information, including the 10-digit USC ID#. Please have this material prepared before beginning this application.
CLIR is now accepting applications from collecting organizations for the digital reformatting of audio and audiovisual materials through the Recordings at Risk grant program. Generously funded by the Mellon Foundation, Recordings at Risk is focused on digitally preserving “at-risk” recorded content of high importance to researchers and the general public.
Awards will cover direct costs of preservation reformatting for aging audio, audiovisual, or visual time-based media by eligible U.S. nonprofit organizations working with experienced service providers. To make their determinations, CLIR’s independent review panel will assess the potential scholarly or public impact of proposed projects, the urgency of undertaking those projects, the viability of applicants’ plans for long-term preservation, and the appropriateness of the planned approach to creating access.
Visit our Institutionally Limited Submission webpage for more updates and other announcements.